Cyber Israel
Cymmetria Offres New Warranty Program Against APTs

Cymmetria announced it's intention to provide Enterprise Edition clients with a new cyber threat warranty program. The program is intended to provide customers with financial compensation in the event damages are caused by an advanced persistent threat (APT) attack that is not detected by our MazeRunner deception platform.
Cymeertia's blog says: "This warranty program is our way of displaying our confidence in MazeRunner’s performance and ability to offer effective protection to a network against APTs that perform lateral movements. If our product fails to detect an APT in a portion of our client’s network that is sufficiently covered by a MazeRunner deception campaign – and in accordance to the terms and conditions of our warranty – we will be offering said client compensation for damages the attack causes, to the sum of twice the cost of the annual licensing fee, up to $1,000,000."